
Integrative dentistry since2008
Customized treatment plans created by a multidisciplinary team

Deals with the root canal treatment, balancing the tooth and filling the canals with an adhesive material, restoring function..
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Deals with restoring the function and appearance of teeth using work carried out in collaboration with the dental technician.
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Gives your smile the shape you desire.
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Deals with the prevention of various diseases through comprehensive consultation and establishing necessary changes in your life in order to maintain and improve health.
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Integrative Dentistry

Integrative dentistry offers a kaleidoscope view of you through all types of existing medicine, tailored to your needs.
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Dental treatment psychotherapy

Psychotherapy offers, when you want more out of life, the cancellation of existing blockages and the complete resolution of the problems presented.
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Deals with extractions, insertion of implants, curettages, application of biomembranes, application of bio-bone, application of drainage paths, apical resections.
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Takes care of the gums and bone that cover the teeth so that they are healthy.
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Dental therapy

Deals with the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases of the dento-maxillary apparatus.
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Dental therapy in pediatric patients

Deals with the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases of the ADM adapting the particularities of the child in treatment.
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It is that session where we talk about the problem you have and the solutions we see possible and those we can apply to you.
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Deals with straightening teeth, repositioning them on the arch, enlarging the jaws or repositioning one jaw to the other.
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Our ultimate goal is to give you independence from your dentist

Materials and technologies


The materials I use in my practice are approved for domestic human use by the Romanian Ministry of Health and internationally by other drug agencies, including the European Union, and are checked and rechecked by me personally, reading all the specifications, composition and manufacturing methods as rigorously as possible, asking the manufacturers directly. And then by checking the work carried out and the sensations perceived by patients.

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